Sunday, March 25, 2012

Wrestling and Hockey Collide on Cape Cod "Extras"

Thanks to everyone that wrote to me or gave a favorable review of the Cape Cod Buccaneers piece. Here are some cool things I found while researching the topic that I wasn't able to fit in anywhere else….

The beginning (1972), and the end. Today the old Coliseum serves as a receiving warehouse for two companies.

Readers may have noticed from the team photo that, yes, the Bucs did in fact have a mascot. The Buccaneer, Jay Nolan, doubled as Vince McMahon's first ever PR director.

Wrestling runs at the Coliseum on August 3, 1979, just four months after McMahon takes over. Andre the Giant and Chief Jay Strongbow versus the Valiant Brothers is the feature attraction. Other matches include Greg Valentine versus Bob Backlund (WWF Champion), Steve Travis versus Bulldog Brower, and the Fabulous Moolah and Kitty Adams versus Vivian St. John and Joyce Grable. The fact that the writer focused a great deal on Andre's size and pro football offer, as well as getting in the obligatory, "Many people think that wrestling is a form of acting," might suggest to you that he wasn't the biggest fan of pro wrestling. Just wait.

Globe Trotters brought in to the Cape Cod Coliseum, December 10, 1979. 

Here's an interesting one. Vince McMahon continues to play around with close circuit television/pay-per-view during his time on the Cape. This advertisement appears as an aside in an article about Marvin Haggler preparing for an October 3, 1981 bout against Mustafa Hamsho. Haggler made famous training for his fights in the seclusion of Provincetown, MA.

Here it is, "a subliminal suggestion." Can you imagine if something like this was written today?

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